Steamboat Building   in Elizabeth, PA

A Journal of daily activities at the Elizabeth Marine Ways 1898 to 1925 


Home ] Up ] Tug WASH GRAY ] TOM DODSWORTH ] JOHN MOREN ] RIVAL ] SAILOR ] RELIEF ] Bulldozer Barge ] HARRY BROWN ] ALICE BROWN ] JOSH COOK ] J.C. RISHER ] S.H.H. CLARK ] TRANSIT ] J.B. FINLEY ] H. M. HOXIE ] RESOLUTE ] MARGARET ] Model Barge EMPEROR ] Model Barge DELAWARE ] Packet COLUMBIA ] TOM REES NO.2 ] MONITOR ] DUQUESNE ] W C. JUTTE ] Dredge #1 ] [ BOAZ ] CRUISER ] VESTA ] Dredge WESTERN ] Dredge W. C. JUTTE ] Dredge CYCLONE DIGGER ] STELLA MOREN ] LEE. H. BROOKS ] Model Barge 70 ] Model Barge MISSISSIPPI ] Model Barges 97 & 58 ] Model Barge 87 ] Model Barge 62 ]


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Point Bridge with Steamer BOAZ  1910

Steamer BOAZ


Steamer BOAZ docked near Point Bridge

Steamer BOAZ

From Facebook page of Monessen Historical Society  The Steamers BOAZ and GLEANER  1908

These two postcards are from the Riverboat Parade that was part of the 1908 Pittsburgh Sequi-Centennial celebration.


Steamer BOAZ

Photo from collection of William Fels

Close up of Steamer BOAZ


  The BOAZ is seen above in her heyday and is mentioned during May 1907 and then again during June 1911 and August 1911, having large repair jobs. Of interest is that the BOAZ Log Book also makes note of this visit to the Elizabeth Marine Ways, this is that Log Book entry:

From S&D Reflector June 1980 



             Steamers BOAZ and TOM DODSWORTH in boneyard across from Elizabeth Marine Ways      Steamers BOAZ and RAYMOND HORNER in boneyard across from Elizabeth Marine Ways

These two photos show the BOAZ during her final days, left to rot in a "boneyard" across the river from the Elizabeth Marine Ways.  Read JW's feelings on the day the BOAZ was towed away March 1925.

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